English Assignment-2 For Class 8


Assigned Task-1

Title of the lesson : A Man Who Loves Trees

HW:  Kartik Poramanik is an inspiration for us. Do  you agree? Why/Why not?



We all know about Kartik Poramanik of Tarapur village. He is a barber by profession. He is a very poor man but he is a nature lover. He loves to plant trees. He started planting trees at the age of 10. Kartik Poramanik remembers the story that his father once told him. He never forgot what his father said. “My son, you can earn the blessing of God by planting trees”. He has planted hundreds of trees in his village. At present most of the trees have turned into gigantic trees. He may not had enough money, but he used his earnings to buy saplings and plant them in different places. He used to go far and wide to plant trees. I wholeheartedly agree that he is an inspiration to us.

That is why he is an inspiration to us:

1. Plants balance our environment so we should all plant trees. Since Kartik Poramanik has planted many trees in the midst of various adversities. As such, he must an inspiration to us.


2. He has set a number of examples by planting trees incessantly. Who benefits the people in different ways. For example, in the hot sun, people can rest in the shade of trees. Plants play an important role in dealing with natural disasters. Plants provide us with oxygen and take in carbon dioxide. So there is no alternative to planting trees. Where Kartik Poramanik is a remarkable analogy for all.


3. Kartik Poramanik is now much older. Yet he did not refrain from planting trees. His deep love for trees teaches us that as long as we live on this earth, we must plant trees. Not only that, people need to be made aware of the evils of deforestation and plant more and more trees.


Karthik is an inspiration to us by setting a shining example by planting trees. Moreover, in order to save the environment, we must plant more trees. Kartik Poramanik is an excellent example of this.

Assigned Task-2

Title of the lesson : The Truthful Dove-3

HW:  Why do you think that the title is appropriate for the story “The Truthful dove”?



“The Truthful dove” is a wonderful and instructive story. Three characters are mentioned in this story. Every character in this story is beautifully portrayed. We have a lot to learn from each character. Specially the character of the dove mentioned in the story. The identity of truthfulness is revealed in his character. Below is a brief description of the appropriateness of the naming of this story.

My opinion on the naming of the story:

I think the naming of this story is justified. Because, there is a perfect similarity of relevance with the main content of the story. According to this story, the dove mentioned in the story is truthful. And the main lesson of this story is about the truthfulness which is beautifully portrayed through the character of the dove. One day the dove and his friend bat decided to go on a trip. After crossing many hills and rivers and reaching a large forest, the night came down. Suddenly a storm arose. Then they also needed shelter. In the jungle they noticed an owl nest in a rain tree. The two friends knocked on the owl's door. The owl reluctantly let them in. They were very hungry then, so they asked the owl for some food. The owl was very grumpy. The owl reluctantly shared his dinner with them. But the dove's friend bat was very greedy. He began to praise the owl falsely in the hope of getting more food. The owl was very happy with the bat. But the dove was very tired and she could not eat anything. The dove did not appreciate the owl very much and the owl got annoyed with the dove. Even bat was dissatisfied with the dove for not giving false praise for the owl. Eventually, the owl and the bat injured the dove and drove it away on a stormy night. This proves that the dove was truthful. Despite enduring much neglect, he did not appreciate the grumpy owl. So I strongly think the naming of the story is justified.


According to the above description, it is easy to admit that the naming of this story has been justified by analyzing and considering the main content of the story. The character of the dove mentioned in the story is a real proof of that.


Assigned Task-3


Title of the lesson : River Gypsies in Bangladesh (2)

HW:  Imagine  there  is  a  boat-school  in  your  area  to teach  river  gypsy  children. Write a paragraph about how you can help the gypsy children switch learning.



The way we can help children switch to education in the river gypsies

The river gypsies are an ethnographic people of Bangladesh. They have no land of their own. So they lead a nomadic life. They roam from one end of the country to the other. When the river water dries up in winter, they live in tents on the banks of the river. They do not stay in any particular place. So it becomes impossible for their children to continue their education in any particular school. That is why most of their children remain illiterate. In this situation, we should stand by the side of the river gypsy children and help them in their studies. If they get a little help from us, maybe it will be possible to switch the education of gypsy children. By cooperating with this small ethnic group in education, we can contribute at least a little to make our country literate. We can help gypsy children to switch to education in various ways.

First, we can make this small ethnic group aware of the importance of education. Some voluntary organizations in Bangladesh are working on mobile schools for gypsy’s children. We can also inform them about that. In our area, we can actually advise and assist their children on their education. And in collaboration with volunteer floating schools we can play an important role in turning their backs on their studies. Along with the common people, the government has also stood by the gypsy children by extending a helping hand in various ways to turn the tide in their education. Which is very good news for gypsy children.

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