Transformations Of Voice

v Voice Change দুভাবে হয়ে থাকে। যেমন: 1. Active হতে Passive এবং 2. Passive হতে Active.

v সাধারণত প্রদত্ত Sentence গুলোর Voice Change হয়ে থাকে। যেমন:
1. Assertive Sentence
2. Interrogative Sentence
3. Imperative Sentence.

Assertive Sentence এর Voice Change
  Active থেকে Passive

Rule-1: Assertive Sentence –এর Active ও Passive এর গঠন হলো:

Active: Subject + verb + Object.
Passive: Subject (active এর object এর subjective form) + Auxiliary verb + verb এর past participle form + Preposition + object (active এর subject এর object form). যেমন

Active: He speaks English.
Passive: English is spoken by him.

v Tense অনুযায়ী Passive voice এ auxiliary verb গুলোর list:

Active এর Tense
Passive  ব্যবহৃত Auxiliary verb সমুহ

Simple Tense
shall be/will be
Continuous Tense
am/is/are + being
was/were + being
shall be/will be + being
Perfect Tense
have been/has been
had been
shall have been/will have been

Rule-2: Active Voice –এ modals (am to/is to/are to/have to/has to/had to/going to/ought to/must/can/could/ may/might/should/would etc.) থাকলে এদের পরে ‘be’ ব্যবহার করে Passive করতে হয়। তাছাড়া Imperative Sentence এ Passive এর Subject এর পর ‘be’ বসিয়ে Passive করতে হয়। যেমন

Active: we should help the poor.
Passive: The poor should be helped by us.
Active: Post the letter. (Imperative Sentence)
Passive: Let the letter be posted (by you).

Rule-3: Active Voice –এ যদি দুটি object থাকে, তবে Passive করার সময় প্রথমে দুটি object –এর যে কোন একটিকে Subject করতে হবে + Tense অনুযায়ী Auxiliary verb + মূল verb –এর past participle + বাকি অংশ + Preposition + object বসবে।

Active: He taught us English.          
Passive: We were taught English by him.  
Or, English was taught us by him.
Active: I give him a pen.                 
Passive: He is given a pen by me.  
Or, A pen is given to him by me.

[Note: তবে দুটি object –এর মধ্যে Indirect (Personal) object –কে subject করাই ভাল।]

Rule-4: Active Voice –এর object –টি যদি Reflexive pronoun অর্থাৎ (myself, ourselves, yourself, himself, herself, themselves ইত্যাদি) হয়। তবে তাকে Passive করার নিয়ম: [Reflexive pronoun গুলো কখনোই Passive –এর Subject হয়না]

Active –এর subject –টি  অপরিবর্তিত অব্স্থায় passive –এর subject হবে + Auxiliary verb + মূল verb –এর past participle + by + Reflexive pronoun –টি বসবে। যেমন-

Active: I helped myself to do the work.
Passive: I was helped by myself to do the work.
Active: She killed herself.
Passive: She was killed by herself.

Rule-5: কিছু কিছু verb যেমনmake, feel, know, need, hear, dare, see, bid, let, compel, watch, behold ইত্যাদির পর – Active  to উহ্য থাকে। তবেPassive এ তাদের পর to বসাতে হয়তবে Let –এর ক্ষেত্রে verb টির সাথে Passive – to বসেনা।

Active: I compelled him do the work.                       Passive: He was compelled to do the work by me.
Active: The man let the boy go away.                       Passive: The boy was let go away by the man.
Rule-6: Participle যুক্ত Active Voice কে Passive Voice করার নিয়ম:

Object –টির Subjective form হয় + Tense  Person অনুযায়ী Auxiliary verb বসে + main verb –এর Past participle বসে + Present participle যুক্ত অংশটি বসে + by বসে + Subject –টির Objective form বসে। যেমন

Active: I saw you playing with him.
Passive: You were seen playing with him by me.
Active: I heard him saying this.
Passive: He was heard saying this this by me.

Rule-7: Complex এবং Compound Sentence যুক্ত Active Voice কে Passive Voice করার নিয়ম:

Complex  Compound Sentence এর Active Voice এর পরিবর্তন করার সময় উভয় Clause –এরই Voice পরিবর্তন করতে হয়। Principal Clause এর object থাকেনা বলে, অনেক সময় Introductory ‘It’কে Complex sentence এর Principal Clause এর Passive voice এর Subject হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয়।

Active: He brought the car but his son uses it.
Passive: the car was brought by him but it is used by his son.
Active: People say that kindness is a great virtue.
Passive: It is said that kindness is a great virtue.
Or, Kindness is said to be a great virtue.

Note: Active voice –এ “People say” দিয়ে শুরু হলে “It is said” দিয়ে Passive voice শুরু করাই শ্রেয়।

Rule-8: একই Sentence –এ দুটি Finite Verb থাকলে এবং তাদের Object –এর Person ভিন্ন হলে Passive voice গঠনে উভয় verb –এর পূর্বে Subject –এর Person অনুযায়ী Auxiliary verb ব্যবহার করতে হবে। যেমন-

Active: The man injured five passengers and killed one passenger.                        
Passive: Five passengers were injured and one passenger was killed by the man.

Rule-9: Noun + verb + adjective আকারের Active Voice কে Passive Voice এ রূপান্তর করার নিয়ম:

প্রথমে Noun –টি বসবে + be verb + adjective + when + it/they + be verb + মূল verb –এর Past participle বসবে।
অথবাNoun –টি বসবে + be verb + verb –এর Past participle বসবে + adjective বসবে।

Active: Honey tastes sweet.                          
Passive: Honey is sweet when it is tested. / Honey is tested sweet.
Active: Rice sells cheap.                                
Passive: Rice is cheap when it is sold. / Rice is sold cheap.

Rule-10: Factitive Objective (পদবীবাচক কর্ম) যেমন- Captain, Chairman, Member, Minister, Liar ইত্যাদি Passive Voiceএর Subject হতে পারে না। এক্ষেত্রে Factitive Object ছাড়া অন্য কোন Object থাকলে তার Subject করতে হবে। যেমন-

Active: We made him captain.                     
Passive: He was made captain by us.
Active: We called him a fool.                        
Passive: He was called a fool by us.

Note: কতগুলো Intransitive Verb যেমন- elect, select, nominate, make, call ইত্যাদির Object –থাকা সত্ত্বেও সম্পূর্ণরূপে অর্থ প্রকাশ করতে পারে না। পরিপূর্ণ অর্থ প্রকাশের জন্য অন্য Object আনতে হয়। এই অতিরিক্ত Object টিকেই Factitive Objective / Complementary Object বলে। 

Rule-11: Intransitive Verb যুক্ত Active Voice কে Passive Voice করার নিয়ম:
সাধারণত Intransitive Verb –এর হয়না। Intransitive Verb –এর পরে Preposition যুক্ত হয়ে যদি Group Verb গঠন করে এবং তা Transitive Verb হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয় তবে তার Passive voice হয়।

নিয়মঃ Object –টি Subject হয় + Tense ও Person অনুযায়ী auxiliary verb বসে + প্রদত্ত main verb এর Past participle বসে + preposition –টি বসে + Subject –টির objective form বসে। যেমন

Active: The girl laughed at the boy.              
Passive: The boy was laughed at by the girl.
Active: He looks down upon the poor.          
Passive: The poor are looked down upon by him.

 Rule-12: Cognate object যুক্ত বাক্যের Voice Change:  Object এর subjective form + Tense ও Person অনুযায়ী auxiliary verb + main verb –এর Past participle form + Subject এর objective form.

[Note: কতগুলো Intransitive Verb এর সমার্থক Object থাকে।  ধরণের Object –কে Cognate object (সমজাতীয়/পরস্পরসম্পর্কিত) বলে।] যেমন

Active: He ran a race.
Passive: A race was run by him.
Active: I dreamt a sweet dream last night.  
Passive: A sweet dream was dreamt last night by me.

Rule-13: Subject এর পর like/love/want/wish, etc. + object + infinitive যুক্ত Active sentenceএর পরিবর্তন:
Active sentenceএর Subject + verb + infinitive –এর পরের object (যদি থাকে) + to be + infinitive –এর পরের verb এর Past participle form । যেমন

Active: Shimu wants me to post the letter.  
Passive: Shimu wants the letter to be posted (by me).
Active: The man liked him to do the work.   
Passive: The man liked the work to be done (by me).

Rule-14: Advise/beg/order/recommend/urge ইত্যাদি verb এর ক্ষেত্রে Voice এর পরিবর্তন:

Indirect objectটি Subject হয় + Tense ও Person অনুযায়ী auxiliary verb + মূল verb –এর Past participle form + infinitive এর শেষ পর্যন্ত। অথবা, প্রদত্ত Active voiceএর Subject  verb বসে + that + direct object (infinitive –এর পরের object বসে) + should be + Past Participle. যেমন

Active: The teacher advised me to read the book.
Passive: I was advised by the teacher to read the book.
 Or, The teacher advised that the book should be read.

Rule-15: Agree/be anxious/arrange/determine/be determined/decide/demand + infinitive + object যুক্ত Active voiceকে Passive Voice করার নিয়ম:

প্রদত্ত Active voiceএর Subject  verb বসে + that + infinitive –এর পরের object বসে + should be + infinitive –এর পরের verb এর Past participle form বসে। যেমন

Active: They decided to change the decoration. 
Passive: They decided that the decoration should be changed.
Active: Rimi determined to make a car.              
Passive: Rimi determined that a car should be made.

Rule-16: Advise/insist/propose/recommend/suggest/gerund যুক্ত Active Voice কে Passive Voice করার নিয়ম:

Active voiceএর Subject  verb that + gerund –এর পরের object + should be + gerundটি verb রূপান্তরিত হয়ে তার Past participle বসে। যেমন

Active: The dr. suggested taking healthy diet. 
Passive: The dr. suggested that healthy diet should be taken.
Active: He suggested giving up smoking.             
Passive: He suggested that smoking should be given up.

Rule-17: Double passive should be avoided:  Double passive পরিহার করা উচিতকারণ তা অনেক সময় ভূল ব্যাখ্যা প্রদান করে। যেমন

Active: The police ordered the criminal to be shot.
Passive: (Inc.) The criminal was ordered by the police to be shot. (Double passive)
Passive: (Cor.) It was ordered by the police that the criminal should be shot.
Or, It was ordered to shot the criminal.

Rule-18: One + should যুক্ত Active Voice কে Passive Voice করার নিয়ম:
প্রথমে Object –টি রূপে Subject বসে + should be + মূল verb –এর past participle বসে। যেমন

Active: One should take care of one’s health.     
Passive: Health should be taken care of.

Rule-19: কতিপয় Transitive verb এর অর্থগত কারণে Passive voice হয় না। তাদের অধিকাংশ Stative verbs  (যে সমস্ত verb শুধু অবস্থার নির্দেশ করে কিন্তু কর্ম সম্পাদন বুঝায় না তাকে Stative verb বলে। যেমন: have, fit, suit, lack, resemble ইত্যাদি)।  উদাহরণ:

Active: I have a caw (bur not; A cow is had by me.)
Active: He resembles his father (but not; His father is resemble by him.)

Rule-20: Infinitive যুক্ত বাক্যের Voice Change:
 Adjective এর পর infinitive ব্যবহৃত হলে, তা সবসময় Active voice –এ থাকে যদিও তা Passive voice –এর অর্থ প্রকাশ করে। যেমন: It is easy to do. কিন্তু, অন্য সব ক্ষেত্রে infinitive –এর Passive হয়।
সেক্ষেত্রেinfinitive (to) + be + verb –এর Past participle হয়। যেমন-

Active: He does not want to be disturbed.     
Active: I don’t like to be insulted.

Rule-21: অনেক সময় Active voice এর Subject –কে Passive করার সময় by ছাড়া অন্য preposition যেমন to, at, with, in ইত্যাদি ব্যবহার করা হয়। যেমন-

ð Know verb এর পর Passive  to বসে। যেমন  
Active: They knew the bird.                                
Passive: The bird was known to them.

ð Contain  Embody verb এর পর Passive  in বসে। যেমন 
Active: This tank contains five liters of milk.      
Passive: Five liters of milk is contain in this tank.

ð Please, Displease, Satisfy, Seize এর পর Passive  with বসে। যেমন 
Active: Rashed pleased me.                                
Passive: I was pleased with Rashed.

ð Surprise, Shock এর পর Passive  at বসে। যেমন 
Active: His behavior surprised us.                       
Passive: We were surprised at his behavior.

v Subjective, Objective and Possessive forms of pronoun.

my + noun
our + noun
Your + noun
He/ She
him/ her
his/ her + noun
their + noun
its + noun

Interrogative Sentence এর Voice Change
 Active থেকে Passive

v Interrogative Sentence দুভাবে শুরু হয়ে থাকে। যেমন: 1. Auxiliary verb দিয়ে এবং 2. ‘Wh’ word দিয়ে।

v Auxiliary verb দ্বারা যে সকল Interrogative Sentence শুরু হবে ঐ গুলোর Passiveও Auxiliary verb দ্বারা শুরু হবে।

v Interrogative Sentence এর Voice change করতে হলে প্রথমে Sentence –টিকে Assertive sentence এ রূপান্তর করে তারপর এটিকে Passive করতে হয়। Passive voice করার পর পুনরায় Interrogative Sentence –এ রুপান্তরিত করতে হয়।

Ø Interrogative Sentence এর Active  Passive voice এর গঠন দেখে নেই

Active:   Auxiliary verb + subject + মূল verb + object.
Passive: Auxiliary verb + subject (active এর object) + মূল verb এর PP + by + object (active এর subject).

Active:   What/How/When/Where + Auxiliary verb + subject + মূল verb
Passive: What/How/When/Where + Auxiliary verb + মূল verb এর PP + by + object (active এর subject).
Rule-1: Interrogative Sentence এর Voice change প্রায় Assertive sentence এর অনুরূপ। শুধু Auxiliary verb টি সর্বদা Subject এর পূর্বে থাকবে। যেমন 

Active: Does he buy the book?
Passive: Is the book bought by him?
Active: Are you cooking rice?  
Passive: Is rice being cooked by you?
Active: Has he informed you?  
Passive: Have you been informed by him?
Active: Had Mina collected the dress?
Passive: Had the dress been collected by Mita?

Rule-2: Who যুক্ত Interrogative Sentence এর Active voice কে Passive voice এ রূপান্তরের নিয়ম:       

Structure: By whom + auxiliary verb + subject (active এর object) + মূল verb এর PP +?

Active: Who presented this assignment? 
Passive: By whom was this assignment presented?
Active: Who has broken the glass?
Passive: By whom has the glass been broken?

Rule-3: What যুক্ত Interrogative Sentence এর Active voice কে Passive voice এ রূপান্তরের নিয়ম:

Structure: What + auxiliary verb + মূল verb এর PP + by + object (active এর subject) +?

Active: What do you want?
Passive: What is wanted by you?
Active: What did he eat?
Passive: What was eaten by him?

Rule-4: Whom যুক্ত Interrogative Sentence এর Active voice কে Passive voice এ রূপান্তরের নিয়ম:

Structure: Who + auxiliary verb + মূল verb এর PP + by + object (active এর subject) +?

Active: Whom are you looking for?
Passive: Who is being looked for by you?
Active: Whom did he kill?
Passive: Who was killed by him?

Rule-5: Why, when, where, how ইত্যাদি দ্বারা Interrogative Sentence শুরু হলে তাকে Passive করার নিয়ম:

Structure: উক্ত Interrogative adverb + auxiliary verb + object (active এর subject) + মূল verb এর PP + by + subject (active এর object) +?

Active: Why do you hate the man?
Passive: Why is the man hated by you?
Active: When will they repair the boat?
Passive: When will the boat be repaired by them?

Imperative Sentence এর Voice Change

Active থেকে Passive

v Imperative Sentence চেনার উপায়: বাক্যটি মূল Verb/Do/Let/Please/Kindly/ Always/Never ইত্যাদি দ্বারা শুরু হয়।

Rule-1: Active voice টি Imperative Sentence হলে নিচের গঠন অনুসারে Passive voice করতে হবে।

Structure: Let + active –এর object + be + মূল verb এর Past Participle.

Note: Active voiceটি না-বোধক হলে Passive voice –টি Let not দ্বারা শুরু হবে। যেমন-

Active: Help the poor.
Passive: Let the poor be helped.
Active: Do not spoil my plan.
Passive: Let not my plan be spoiled.

Rule-2: Active voice  Let থাকলে Passive voice –এ তা অপরিবর্তিত থাকবে এবং এ ধরনের Passive voice–এ by + object থাকতে পারে। যেমন-

Active: Let them call in a doctor.
Passive: Let a doctor be called in by them.
Active: Let him destroy it.
Passive: Let it be destroyed by him.

Rule-3: Active voice এর শুরুতে ‘Always’ থাকলে Passive voiceএ তা বাক্যের শেষে বসবে। কিন্তু Active voice –টি ‘Never’ দ্বারা শুরু হলে Passive voice –টি ‘Let never’ দ্বারা শুরু হবে। যেমন-

Active: Always speak the truth.
Passive: Let the truth be spoken always.
Active: Never tell a lie.
Passive: Let never a lie be told.

Rule-4: Active voice  ‘Please/Kindly’ থাকলে Passive voice এর শুরুতে এদের পরিবর্তে You are requested to বসবে এবং বাকি অংশ অপরিবর্তিত থাকবে। যেমন-

Active: Please help me. 
Passive: You are requested to help me.
Active: Kindly do the work.
Passive: You are requested to do the work.

Rule-5: মূল Verb + ব্যক্তিবাচক Object (me, us, you, them, him, her) যুক্ত Imperative –কে Passive করার নিয়ম:

Structure: Let + direct object (সাধারণত অব্যক্তিবাচক Object) + be + প্রদত্ত মূল verb –এর Past participle + for + প্রদত্ত ব্যক্তি বাচক Object. যেমন-

Active: Please help me.
Passive: You are requested to help me.
Active: Kindly do the work.
Passive: You are requested to do the work.

v নিচের verb –গুলোর Passive voice হয়না। কারণএরা-
Intransitive verb: die, appear, seem, disappear, happen, belong, despair, allude, occur, ensure, wonder, comprise, perish, refer, issue, indulge ইত্যাদি। যেমন-

Inc: It was appeared.
Cor: It appeared.
Inc: It is happened.
Cor: It happened.



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